Funny Pizza Pick Up Lines
Tell you what give me yours and watch what. Aggressive openers work on the girls who are ready to bang which is about 20. Pizzza Is Perfection Pizza Pick Up Lines Pizza Life Pizza Planet Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass by again. . Heck we even threw in some straight-up hilarious come-ons in case the other options dont land. Do you like Star Wars. Use these Tinder pick up lines to get a response every time without fail. Because damn youre a knockout. Was your dad a boxer. These are 100 fail-proof. Funny pick up lines for him. Although its funny as hell to fire off some dirty pick-up lines especially to your significant other. Im no mathematician but Im pretty good with numbers. Helps way more if youre attractive andor have a great body ie. We also included some smooth pick-up lines in case you want to nail that whole naughty and suave vibe. Because Yoda only one for m...